DIY travelling craft suitcase


I’ve been planning this crafty project for months now (as is often the case) and last weekend I finally got around to making it! If I’m going travelling then I usually want to take some sort of crafty stuff to be working on while I’m away, but this usually means that I end up looking like a bag lady with my various bags of crafty goodness. So, I thought it would be a good idea to have a suitcase to put it all in! I originally bought a vintage teal suitcase which is beautiful, but I didn’t want to mess it up and I couldn’t decide which fabric to use (thankfully, the lovely Boomdeeadda has done an amazing post about jazzing up vintage suitcases, so I’ll be doing that another time!). I stumbled across this lovely Cath Kidston suitcase (in the sale – even better!) and thought that this would be a good place to start. It’s more compact than my teal suitcase, so this might be better for travelling light – not that I ever really do that! Continue reading…

A hectic week

It has been really hectic here this week because we’ve been having a new boiler and central heating fitted. This has involved moving lots of stuff around the house and generally creating mess! This is what our desk (my usual crafting space) looks like this morning:


Clearly not a lot of crafting going on here today!

But the guys who have fitted it have been wonderful, so I can put up with it for a few more hours! And I’m so grateful to have heating and hot water again 🙂

I’m hoping to be able to take pictures of my latest crafty project (that I made on Sunday night) later today. Fingers crossed! Hope you have a lovely day whatever you’re doing 🙂